Monday, July 26, 2010

Swish, Swish, Gag

Cloth diapering. What the heck was I thinking? It's not THAT bad really, but each time I go to change one, it has the potential to be bad! We are getting the hang of it and I do wish I would have been doing it all along. I'll definitely save all of these and use them from the start next time. Maybe by then Phil will be used to changing them? He has been king of all poo diapers since day 1 which is awesome, and now his enthusiasm has dwindled. Understandably.

Its definitely a tad overwhelming. So much so that I am seriously subscribing to a blog called "The Cloth Diaper Whisperer". It just emphasizes the strange truth that my life has come to a place I could have never imagined. Not because it is a bad place, but because I never thought I would ever be so in love with anything that I would regularly and literally scrape its poo into a toilet. I know its a bit vulgar when put that way, but it's very true. I dont feel old enough to have a child, a family, a husband even. Many times I feel in my mind that I am still 16. But then I look closer into my neglected bathroom mirror and see the crows feet that slap me back into reality. Just because I have to do math when someone asks me how old I am doesn't mean the number is false. 

I was the kind of kid and teen who could not wait to be older. Old enough to do all the things I do now. Mother. Wife. And now that I arrived at the place I always wanted to be, now what? It's a strange predicament. What do I wish for next? I dont know that I even want to move on to the next dream for fear I'll miss something in the one I'm in.  Even if there is swishing in toilet water and a gag here and there in it.

I sure do look cute in my cloth diapers :)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

It's not easy seeing green

Ask most people I know and they'll tell you my favorite color is green. They'd be right. Or they would have been right had you asked them yesterday. Today, they are wrong!

As Sam is now a week in to solid foods, everything has changed. Well, everything in his diaper that is.

No don't worry, I am not going to post pictures of this monumental occasion.

And I'm not even going to discuss in detail what I'm talking about.

I'm just going to say, I have to pick a new favorite color. Green no longer holds the spot.


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A day in the life . . .

I am sorry, dear garbage disposal, for never once thinking of how you felt having food waste thrown all over you all day. I have now walked in your shoes and I will be more thoughtful the next time I need to dispose of my banana peel.

Today started out great. Phil got up with Sam as usual in the morning (thank you thank you thank you) and brought him to me in bed when he needed to start getting ready for work. Sam was really tired still so I put him down for a nap and he slept until 9am, which meant I did too! It doesn't start out much better than that! I take that back, if I could have showered this morning that would have made it better. I made my morning coffee and while changing the filter I stuck my hand into the coffee grounds from yesterday. I dont even know how that was possible since I was looking at what I was doing, but I still have some grounds under my fingernails, 13 hours later. 

Sam and I ventured out to run some errands around noon. The 3 hours in between waking up and leaving the house were filled mostly of throw up. Sam's, not mine. Every 5 minutes the kid was giggling, gurgling and pushing out spit up from his mouth. Usually onto my shirt, pants, head, shoulder, lap, or face. 

One errand was to go get some baby food for Sam as we planed to try veggies for the first time today. After collecting my random coupons from every room in the incredibly organized house, we were off to babies r us. Typically, that is the LAST place I'd  buy anything since it's all marked up so much, but with the coupons, it made it worth it. I decided that Sam was getting a treat, I wanted one too. For some reason that meant clam chowder from Whole Foods. 

Since Sam was sleeping in his car seat when we got home, I decided I would get to eat my soup before he got up. I opened the cardboard container and, as if I was working with my eyes closed, the bottom of the container flipped out of my hands and on to the floor, and my legs, feet, flip flops and Daisy. I yelped, Daisy stood there looking at me waiting for the signal that she could eat it, and Sam started to scream. Awesome.

Figuring he could use some lunch after his nap was disrupted I put Sam in his high chair and opened the sweet potatoes. I had a spoonful and they were delicious (hey - my lunch was just ruined remember?!) Sam loved them too. I mean really loved them. Moaning while eating them (I hope he doesn't keep that bad habit - I do it too), couldn't get enough, loved them. 

After successfully finishing his lunch, he was a happy boy, all smiles and chatted the afternoon away. We played and he did some more throwing up, the usual. Except this time, when it was all over my it was orange. So the back of my head = orange. My yellow shirt, now orange. My hands, orange. You get the idea. After noticing I just shrugged it off and had a sip of my lemonade which I poured all down the front of me. What was the matter with me today?!? At least it washed away some of the sweet pots. 

By the end of the day, I was glad I didn't get that shower this morning. It would have been such a waste of time. But as dirty as I was, Sam was worse. So I gave him a long bath and he had a blast as usual. Kicking, blowing bubbles (from all ends), splashing like a maniac. 

Beginning and ending the day with this face smiling at me makes the grime, puke, poop, spit, food, and clam chowder all worth it.

Now I'm off to shower.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy 4th - er, 5th!

Last year on July 4th i drank a pitcher of mojitos at a cookout. The next day I found out I was pregnant with Sam. Whoops. He does smell just a tad minty now that I think about it.  Anyway, I look at Sam now and think back at last 4th of July weekend.  Getting that positive test brought out a bunch of emotions for both Phil and I. We were definitely excited, but the excitement was trumped by worry and sadness. Barely 3 months had passed since losing Henry. I was definitely no where near back to any state or normalcy (I'm still working on that one!). Everything was fresh and raw. Thankfully those feelings of worry and sadness were short lived. I was getting a second chance to bring life into this world. What was better than that? I was no longer going to allow myself to feel worry about the pregnancy.  What good would that do?

And now, one year later, I have this handsome monster. I'm still trying to figure out why I was picked to be the lucky mom of Sam. He makes me smile more than I ever thought I could. I'm probably going to need some botox because of him - not to mention a few other cosmetic surgeries also thanks to him - but these laugh lines are getting deep! I said to Phil last night that it's weird that I'm a "bright side" kind of person now. I don't know when that happened but I never thought in my life I would be one of the happy shiny people. I used to be someone who thought people who were joyful, glass half full kind of people were just annoying. If you are like that, I'm sorry to let you know that I am SO proud to be annoying.

I guess we do look like daddy just a tad. Especially when we are making the same face :)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

What a difference a week makes!

So last week - rice cereal was a no go. I only tried it last Monday-Wednesday and said I'd try again the next Monday (6/28). Well we did and  we got this :
It only took about 5 minutes. Sam was grabbing the spoon from my hands and shoving it to his mouth. He learned how to eat from his Daddy evidently.

This was his reaction when I started making his cereal
Looks pretty excited dont you think?

And after - there isn't as much on his face as it looks, and mostly thats my fault. I'm a rookie.

Also this past week we had another first - SWIMMING! I dont know who had more fun, Sam or Daddy!