If you've been following my blog for a while, you know about my Henry. You know he brought joy for 39 weeks before he was stillborn on March 26, 2009. You know he had Down Syndrome. You know there was also a cord accident. You know our hearts are forever scarred. You know he still comes to mind every day. You know that I can now smile when I think of him. You know he changed my life. Our lives. You know without his loss, we wouldn't have our Sam. You know I can't listen to "You Are My Sunshine" anymore. Your help, support, kind words over the last almost 3 years has helped Phil and I find healing. I can not thank each of you enough for that.
We have had unbelievable support for the last three years as we work hard to make sure Henry is not forgotten. I am thankful for organizations like March of Dimes who work every day to make sure there are resources out there for people who went through what Phil and I did. To make sure that there is research to try to prevent these things from happening. To support families who have pre-mature babies fighting in NICU's all across the nation. To make sure that every baby, EVERY BABY, gets a healthy start to their life. They support mothers of healthy full term pregnancies with resources about how to stay healthy. They do so much more than even all of that.
I ask you to consider joining or donating to our team. Chances are you know someone who has suffered a miscarriage, a premature birth, a stillbirth. Just $5 can go a long way. Thats one less magazine in the grocery line or one less grande vanilla latte.
If you'd like to sign up to walk and fundraise as well, please visit our team page.
If you'd like to donate a few dollars, please click the banner at the top of this post, or visit my page here.