Santas cookies are out. The stockings are ready. The presents are wrapped. The christmas pajamas are on. The ground outside is white. And for the first time in my life, we'll be home for Christmas day. My family always did "christmas" on the 24th. Santa came to our house when we were at christmas eve mass, so when we came home we got to dig in and then eat a big awesome dinner. The next morning started early with wake up calls from my crazy, I mean awesome, aunt, and we were at my Nanny's before we barely had time to wipe the sleep from our eyes. All day was spent going back and forth between grandparents' houses, which were luckily only a few miles from each other. It really was awesome. Tons of jokes and laughs, loads of gifts, lots of cookies and card games. Traditions.
And when Phil and I got married I had to learn to share my Christmas. We still bounced around, we just added in another state and 2-3 more houses to visit. The last two years with Sam has made for some interesting travel. When your SUV is full to the brim (so much so your poor dog is lodged in between gift bags in the back) and you only have one kid, you start to realize you might need to reassess when the next kid comes around.
So for the first time ever, Santa will come to my house when we are sleeping Christmas Eve. He'll eat the cookies left for him (I actually already did that, had to take one for the team). He'll fill the stockings and leave piles of presents. He'll leave a note for the boys, thanking them for being good this year (can also check that off the to do list). And it will all happen in OUR house. Our new house. The first Christmas here, the first Christmas Sam is really into. Bo's first Christmas ever. All of the stress and exhaustion that came from trying to pull this off is going to be so worth it. The only thing Sam asked Santa for was a dragon. And I think I already Saw that Santa put it under the tree. He really IS a good boy. A sweet kid. With a really kind heart. And Bo, well it's too soon to tell ;) But he's probably the best baby i've ever seen - And yes, that's biased, but not really - he actually is awesome.
I hope Santa comes to your hive tonight too. And I hope more than anything you have lots of love to share tomorrow. And every day. And that you get some of that live right back.
Merry chrismas!
Monday, December 24, 2012
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving :)
The things I am most thankful for are the things that make me too tired to update this blog as much as I would like. Things 1 & 2. I don't even want to think about my life without these boys. And these two are the only things that will always, without fail, bring a smile to my face and warmth to my heart. Even when I'm mad at them, frustrated and exhausted, those boogers always make me smile. And it's a good reminder usually to not take anything too seriously. Spilled milk is not a big deal. But when Sam spilled my coffee the other day, well, that was a much bigger deal. And yet, as I was frantically wiping down the couch, I was still smiling as Sam was trying to help me. My signature move these days is smile and shake my head. But at least my heart is warm. Very warm indeed.

(and since it really has been a while, here are a LOT of photos to update the last 3 months in crazy town - aka, the Boyer hive.)

Thursday, October 11, 2012
cob webs
Man I hate it when I get so behind over here on this blog. Life is crazy. I'm sure it's not any crazier than yours, but I don't do all that well with crazy. I forget things. I get tired. I choose to put some things aside and move other things to the front. And lately this blog has been pushed aside as well as some other things I'd love to be able to bring back around. Hopefully soon enough. But of course, then again, it's my busiest season for photos. I'm booked every weekend until the middle of December. So while I bury myself in work and my boys and diapers and dishes and freaking stink bugs, please excuse my absence. It's not forever. And I'm still taking LOTS of photos of my handsome boys. And I have LOTS of stories to tell.
While the spider webs might collect over here, I'm going to try to check in more often. Post more photos and thoughts. So stay tuned. And bear with me. thanks :)
While the spider webs might collect over here, I'm going to try to check in more often. Post more photos and thoughts. So stay tuned. And bear with me. thanks :)
Friday, August 31, 2012
hug. now.
Over the last few weeks I have heard too many stories about lives ending suddenly. I don't know what it is about these stories that have resonated with me. Maybe it's that they were mothers who passed while giving life to their children, maybe it's that they were babies who were gone in the blink of an eye while enjoying a swim in a summer day. I think maybe in these circumstances, they hit home because they happened at times that I myself take advantage of. I play with my kids, watching them be themselves and enjoy all the things a kid should enjoy. I remember scary times in the Labor and Delivery room, but I have always myself been physically fine.
If anything, these stories - that have effected strangers I'm connected to one way or another - have made me realize that the hugs need to happen now. Drop the crap you're holding on to. Tell your husbands, kids, family, sisters, best freaking friends that you love them. And hug them. Right now.
If anything, these stories - that have effected strangers I'm connected to one way or another - have made me realize that the hugs need to happen now. Drop the crap you're holding on to. Tell your husbands, kids, family, sisters, best freaking friends that you love them. And hug them. Right now.
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