Tuesday, January 14, 2014

One on Tuesdays | Week 2

Sam - 3 years, 10 months, 5 days
Bo - 1 year, 8 months, 2 days

This week, I used my Mamiya RZ proII and some endangered Fuji 3000b instant film.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

One on Tuesdays || 1/52

Instead of try to explain or come with an excuse as to why I haven't posted since March (!!!), I'm just going to start with a project.

Once a week. One shot of the boys and their ages. I think about how much the have both changed and grown over the last year, and I know one day I'll be grateful for this.

1 year, 7 months, 26 days 
3 years, 9 months, 29 days