Sunday, March 22, 2009

2 weeks and counting

Well technically it is 1 week, 6 days, but then of course it may end up being 3 weeks. Essentially I have no control over when the Dude decides to get here, but I AM READY for him to come out. I definitely feel like its happening soon. I feel like I am 9 months pregnant – strange huh?

My last day of work was Friday and the idea was have some time before he gets here to do whatever or do nothing, which ever option I feel like. But I won’t be disappointed if he decides to interrupt my 2 weeks of “vacation” to come early! The name is not yet decided but I will bring the list of options with me to the hospital and we’ll figure it out eventually. I have it packed in my bag.

Here is the latest picture of the belly. I can’t wait to be skinny (dreaming I know) and look back at these. Oh to be able to go to Body Pump again. I somehow think that my old gym routine of 5 days a week might be hard to go back to. Phil will have to give me a few evenings to do things like that. I might go insane!

As big as I feel it is, I honestly look down sometimes and think that it was going to be bigger. Don’t get me wrong. I DONT want it to be bigger. But I imagined it would be. I honestly thought I would balance a plate on it or something. I can just use a table. I’m happy it’s not THAT big. Relatively speaking. . .

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Arrrrrrgh, Happy St. Patty’s Day!

Why is it that when people do Irish accents, they end up sounding like Pirates? Is it because Irishmen were the original Pirates? Someone should tell that to Johnny Depp, because I don’t think that if he knew he were playing an Irishman, he would wear all that make-up. He would get his arse kicked in Ireland for that for sure!

But, pirate or no pirate, it’s St. Patty’s Day and I’m a little peeved. I might have to celebrate on May 17th or something because I really want a BIG Guiness to celebrate! Dang it! I’m making Shepherd’s Pie and it would taste so much better with a big stout – although it is delicious on it’s own.

Friday is my last day at work for a while. I am using some vacation time and will spend the next few weeks WISHING I actually were on vacation. I probably should have thought about it a little more because I have been working my butt off trying to get everything done. It’s pointless because there’s always going to be more to do, I just feel bad for those who have to do it while I’m out! That guilt will pass quickly I’m sure as I get a chance to relax for the first time in a while. . . starting Friday night.

So I’m going to get my shepherd’s pie out of the oven. Happy St. Patty’s day. Drink a green beer – no, make that 2 green beers (one in my very pregnant honor) and watch out for the hooks and peg legs you might see out and about tonight!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

37 weeks and still no name

So we have made it to full term! Yeah! It’s really bizarre to think back to July 27th when we had out first positive pregnancy test and found out we were 4 weeks along. It’s gone so fast. And I’m sure that the next 3 weeks (roughly) are going to crawl by!

What is really bothering me now is the fact that I don’t have a name! We have (had) 2 names picked out that we were just going to decide between when we saw him. But now I am once again going back on one of them and not convinced the other one is right! Everything else is ready. Really, everything. The room, the diaper bag, the stroller, the car seat. Everything except for the most important part. Phil is annoyed because he liked the name that I now don’t, but I think that over thinking this decision is a good idea. I don’t want just any name, it has to be the perfect name and nothing is hitting me. On the random very off chance that Dude is a girl (I really hope not at this point as we had a clear pp shot on the ultrasound and I would hate to have a Jamie Lee Curtis situation), I know what I would name a girl. Go figure. Any suggestions??
And I’ll sign off with 37 week belly shots. I don’t think it could get bigger.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

A new face and a bad back

So yesterday I used the gift certificate that Larisa gave me to Renew spa in Hampden for a “Mommy-to-be Skin Balancing Facial”. What the heck is that, you ask? Well, I’m not really sure, but I came out of that spa looking like this:

So I highly recommend the spa.


But really the spa was a bit bizarre in that everything was all “natural” and organic. I had masks on my face that smelled kind of like pumpkin pie and kind of like rotten avocado all at the same time. It was definitely relaxing and I am so glad I went! Thanks Larisa!

The problem is that I really should have got a massage as I wake up every night at least 2 times due to shooting pain down my leg from my back. Awesome! I mean I usually have to pee anyway,so I’d still be getting up, but I could do without the paralyzing pain!

I had another Dr appointment today which went well. She said that Dude is doing well in there and said he didn’t feel like he was going to be a big baby. WOO HOO! That’s the best thing I’ve ever heard! I’m going to end on that high note. . .

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Today is the greatest. . .

So I had a Dr. appt and she confirmed that the baby dropped and that it is indeed his butt that juts out my right side all the live long day. He is lopsided, but at least he is consistent! Also, he is very obedient already since I told him to drop and he did! What a good boy :)

That was the first great thing that happened today. And then there was Ray. My friend Russell interns with Saturday Night Live in NYC and my most favorite musician is the musical guest this Saturday, Ray Lamontagne. If you do not know Ray, you need to know Ray. He's fantastic. Well I told Russ jokingly that if he could get me tickets to the show I would name the baby after him. . . Don't worry, I didn't get tickets of course so Russell is not the baby's name. BUT Thursday is dress rehearsal day at SNL and Russ called me to let me hear Ray go through his 2 songs. It was great! His song "You are the best thing" came out right around the time I found out we were pregnant so it's my song for the Dude. I sing it to him all the time. . . he is destined to be tone deaf the poor little guy. But Ray played it and it was so great to hear it, even over a staticy cell phone!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Da belly

I almost forgot. . . It's been a while, but I think the Dude dropped. I haven't had heartburn in a week (which is good because I gave it up for lent) and I definitely feel heavier lower. We will find out tomorrow at my Dr. appointment.

But here it is. . . at 35 weeks 4 days. . .

(Oh and that's the new shower curtain.)

So you call it nesting huh?

I'm a bit of a maniac, but in a good, productive way. Last night I was up till at least 1am organizing and rearranging the furniture downstairs (it's not even heavy so don't freak out) so that all the tons of baby crap has it's place! And tonight while I watch Lost, I plan to rearrange our bedroom so that we can fit the bassinet and still somehow manage to have the tiniest bit of room to maneuver.

BUT one good thing is that most of the Dude's room is together. Isn't the crib stuff cute??

And then once you look around the room, you see that everything is in order and looks great. That is until you look down and see the HUGE paint stain that came from my gigantic swollen feet kicking a small paint can over and not noticing for about an hour. Nice huh?

Oh well. We'll get a rug or something, but it looks pretty bad. Good thing the Dude's eyes wont be able to focus that far for a while!
The big turtle pillow is taunting Daisy. She thinks it's alive and keeps poking it with her nose and waiting for it to play with her! But I don't want her messing up the turtle so I gave her a little stuffed sheep that I got free at Christmas from Bath and Body Works. She has been carrying this dang sheep around for a week now. I thought it would be in shreds, but I think she loves it. It's so cute I can't even stand it.