Monday, October 26, 2009

New Yet Familiar

Last Monday, we found out we are having another boy. It was a mix of emotions as I expect most of the big pregnancy events to be from now on. Both Phil and I thought it would be a girl, which of course meant it was going to be a boy! If you are one of the people who tell me "you never know, it could come out a girl" - I present people's exhibit A:

If you don't know what you are looking at....well I just can't help you. And if it turns out to be a girl, we have many many confusing conversations in our futures!

Of course, other news from the sonogram was that we have to come back to look at a few things. The stubborn baby wouldn't really flip over so the sonographer wasn't satisfied with the shots they got of his profile and heart valves. He was pretty content in a ball on his stomach and even after flipping sides,jumping up and down, walking around - I couldn't get him to budge. The other thing they want to look at is his stomach which was large. It may be no big deal, but it needs to be looked at again. It could be that they are being extra cautious, looking at things a little closer than normal because of our history. But whatever the case, Phil and I get a little worried when leaving a sonogram with less than perfect news. This Wednesday we will go back.

There is also some feelings of guilt that go along with the discovery of the sex. I think I was hoping it was a girl. Not that I necessarily wanted a girl over a boy, but more that I wanted as much from this pregnancy to be different as possible from the last. I've been pregnant with a little boy and that didn't turn out - so my head is having a hard time separating the two. I am sure everything will be fine, and I am not looking for reassurance or anything like that. I am rational enough to know and understand the probability of things, and also to know the lack of control I have over pretty much anything. But I think it's also the lack of control that makes things that much harder.

We are past the half way mark - 20 weeks and 2 days today. Actually technically half way was last week for us since we will probably be induced 2 weeks early. I hope the second half flies by like the first half did...After being pregnant for the last 15 months, I know I'll be really done with being pregnant by the time month 20 comes around.

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