Monday, March 15, 2010

Lessons Learned

As I type, I am watching Sam lay under 3 blue lights with stretchy sunglasses on and a monitor on his foot at GBMC's pediatric inpatient unit. Today he is 6 days old.

Yesterday around 4pm, Phil and I called the pediatrician because Sam was jaundice. As soon as I told the Dr. what Sam's signs were, he said we needed to go to the pediatric ER at GBMC. There was little time to freak out as we rushed  up 83. We got to the hospital and Sam was poked and checked and very yellow. His exam was otherwise great. Strong, healthy and had gained back the weight he had lost in the hospital after birth already. His blood work came back and his bilirubin level was 24. Normal for newborns they said was around 12. High 20's to 30 would have probably caused brain damage like cerebral palsy. The fact was scary, but I felt nothing but relief that we were here and Sam was getting the best treatment.

The treatment for his high bili level is triple light therapy. One light under him, one light above him, and one spot light on him. They are blue lights like a tanning bed but obviously not harmful. We can't hold him at all, we can only take him out to breastfeed - which is the only other way to reduce the bili level. The more Sam eats, the more he poops. Pooping is the body's natural way of releasing bilirubin.

Phil mentioned that he thought we should call the pediatrician on Sunday morning. I felt deep down that it was the right thing to do as well, but I always second guess my instincts. I knew he was yellow, and I was worried about the signs, but I always tell myself I don't know what I'm talking about and assume I'm wrong. (Which is funny, because I am the last person to admit when I'm wrong, but always the first to think it)

So first lesson learned as a new parent (it's still weird to say that): ALWAYS TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS!

Eventually I did listen to them and we made the important phone call so we didn't do anything wrong. But I definitely need to remember that I might know more than I realize, and it's better to listen to your gut and be wrong, than not listen to your gut and have it be right.

I am no professional, like I even needed to state that, but if this scary experience can teach another new first time mom something I'm going to get the info out there! I am not the type of person who listens to other peoples advice very well. I'm just a little stubborn and I like to figure things out for myself. Ok maybe a lot stubborn. But other people might be less stubborn.

Here were Sam's symptoms:
Yellow tint to his skin
Yellowing in the whites of his eyes
Lethargic - hard to wake up even to eat after several hours

He was peeing and pooping a good amount, which made me think everything was probably fine. But it wasn't. He was also nursing well, my milk came in quickly and there was a lot of it.

Janudice is something I had heard of before, but never as a cause for great alarm. I just figured all babies get yellow and then their bodies figure it out. I had no idea the possible severe side effects in serious cases. Thanks to God (and Henry I suspect), Sam will likely be fine. We will find out later today what his levels are, but they have been trending down and the stressful part is almost over.

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