We have a growler. A LOUD growler. It's fantastic! As if I wasn't aging quickly enough, Sam insists on making me laugh all day and my wrinkles are gettin' deep, my friends. I'm going to need some night creme.
When Sam is happy he is growling. Smiling and growling. When he wants something and he needs you to know it, he growls at you with his eyebrows down. When he gets it, he keeps growling but with his eyebrows up. He growls at Daisy and she just looks at him with a blank "there he goes again" eye rolling face. I dont actually think dogs can roll their eyes, but I get her, and they are rolling.
He's an animal. We need to keep him in a cage. Oh wait, we kind of already do...hmm.
the animal will fight tooth and nail - well just tooth really - to get out of his cage...
with his giant paws he'll reach the top . . .
oh wait - he seems to be a friendly animal....
a VERY friendly animal...
He is a friendly animal indeed. And thankfully, so is Daisy. I think he might love Daisy more than he loves me. It's ok. She really is great. And as soon as she starts washing diapers she'll be almost as good a mom as me.
Sam's other latest trick is dancing. I am afraid for him. He just doesn't have it in his genes. I mean, have you SEEN Phil dance? Those of you who think Phil's a good dancer, you must be white. Because he definitely is not. And me, well, I'm sorry to say it's been tried and tried again but all the booze in the world can't make me a good dancer. Trust me. I put a lot of effort into testing that theory. It was called the "5 year college" plan.
The funniest thing he likes to dance to is the intro to weather tune that plays for maybe 1.5 seconds before the usually inappropriately dressed Sandra Shaw gives the morning forecast on WBAL. So now that I think about it, maybe he's dancing for her? Crap, we are going to have to have a talk.
His butt does keep some kind of rhythm though. Not usually the same rhythm that is playing in the background, but some kind of rhythm all right. I am thankful for Pandora's toddler station. I can play that on the ipad and he dances in his jumper while I shower. That station plays a lot of Disney movie music. It's funny that I still know all the words to Under the Sea and A Whole New World. Hakuna Matatta played the other day and that so far was his favorite Pandora song. In fact, the last 2 times he has been urrationally screaming for no apparent reason, I found myself chanting "hakuna matatta, hakuna matatta" softly and he calmed right down. Those Disney peeps, they're a wacky bunch with a long history of teaching our young girls they need a prince charming to save them from every life situation, but they got it right with the Lion King. In my book anyway.
I have been beyond busy in such a fabulous way with the photography business I really miss my poor neglected blog. We haven't done too many exciting things recently. We are just playing a lot, learning new things each day and eating a ton of good food. Sam's a carnivore for sure. He had some beef stew I made for dinner the other night and he has never growled so much over any food before. It was as if he was growling "MMMMMMMEEEEEEAAT". Thats what I heard anyway. Like I said before. Animal. After all that meat eating, the bath was much needed.
And now I'm off for some sleep. I don't get enough sleep and it's my own darn fault. Oh well - or should I say "Hakuna Matatta"? :)
He's practicing for blocking the paparazzi when he's famous and so rich he's supporting his parents :)
1 comment:
Your blog always makes me laugh. It's so good to know that someone else laughs so hard at their kids that their belly hurts. Your little man is just too gorgeous and you are definitely deserving of all the joy you have been blessed with in life :)
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