Although I haven't mentioned it in a while, don't think all of your incredible support has gone unrecognized! We have raised over $3800 already for
Team HPB's March for Babies Team!! Holy CRAP! That is seriously amazing.
If you haven't signed up and want to, it's not too late! We are walking in Bel Air on April 17. Click on the link and follow the instructions to join the team! If you cant walk with us that day, consider donating just a few dollars, whatever you can. This is the latest update. Our team is the #1 team! AND my kick-a sister is the #1 walker :)
Also, if you are in the area, you should go to Chick-fil-A on Monday March 28 from 5-8pm! 20% of the sales will be donated to March of Dimes!! You must bring the flier below in order to get credit. If you are interested and would like the PDF to the flier, I'm happy to email it to you. Just let me know! (
Click the logo below to donate or join now!

Thank you! And I hope to see you on April 17th!!
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