Why do I remember this completely random moment? Because I remember it as an example of how much I love my Dad. Would he have been mad I was late. No way and that wasn't even the point. It's just that I loved doing things like that with him and I was looking forward to it, I didn't want to miss anything by being late. A tad dramatic, maybe. A little emotional, definitely. But thats how I tend to be when it comes to my parents and my feelings about them.
One thing I love most about my Dad is that he didn't have to say "I love you" 100 times a day. I knew it. I felt it. I could tell just by the way he would crooked smile at me, tease me, joke with me. With all of us. I always strive to give off that same feeling of undeniable love for Sam and Phil. I don't want them to ever doubt it. I never did with my parents.
So if I were to sit and really write a post about my Dad, or my Mom, it would be for sure a rambling, sappy mess. And, well, thats just me. So this simple, silly, seemingly insignificant story will have to do. This is my crooked smile, my tease, and my joking around. I hope my Dad feels that.
Thankfully, Sam (and I) have Phil. A Dad that will go above and beyond. A Dad that strives to protect, love, and support with all his heart. A Dad that changes diapers, gives baths, shares freezy-pops, tickles and laughs. I know Sam feels that. I am reminded of that every weekday when we wait for Daddy. He grabs his belly with excitement, ducks down and jumps up because his happiness explodes out of him when the door opens and he sees his Daddy.
We try to celebrate that everyday. Not just Father's Day. Even if it's in a 1.5 minute pretend phone call made from the TV remote calling Daddy to say hi and I love you.
Seriously, Aunt Erin. I am NOT sharing my corn with you!
A good ol' Harford County baby pool.
Signing "please". Usually it's a 2 handed belly rubbing extravaganza, this one seems to be a bit more tame.

If you have a caption for this, I'll give you a prize...
Comment for picture Meg "OOOOH I can't wait until I can crack a beer like that!"
Kristin U.
Comment for picture "Hurry! Open it up! Dump it out! Cause I gotta pee NOW!!!!" :)
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