A few days ago (I think it was Friday, although I often confuse my days!), I asked a question on my Facebook page. "If you could do anything in the world today, what would it be?"
I started thinking about this question that morning as I was trying to ignore the fact I was a grown up and had to get out of bed. I started scrolling through all the things I thought I would rather be doing right at that moment. I knew the reality was I was going to get out of bed with only one eye open and use that eye to very carefully watch Sam as he whirled around the house as if he had already got into the coffee I was longing for. I though about how I would probably end up stubbing my toe (something I do at least 3 times a week), bang my knee into a wall, step on a lego, and get yelled at by the cookie monster toy insisting on cookies. I am not a morning person. So I stayed under the sheets for just a few minutes and thought about Paris and opening the window to the balcony and looking down at the cafe. I thought about warming up in front of a huge fireplace at a snowy lodge with furry boots, a blanket, a book and a huge steaming cup of coffee (with some liquor in it). I thought about a serene bathroom with a huge jacuzzi tub that I actually fit in and a stack of Real Simple magazines that I've been dying to catch up on. I thought of laying on a blanket in the grass of Central Park dozing in and out of sleep as the warm sun beamed my face.
SMACK!!!!! And then a boot hit my face. No, really. My cowboy boot hit my face. Sam's obsession with putting on my boots still exists and he wanted to wake me up by telling me he needed my help putting on the boots. So instead of any of the above scenarios coming to fruition, I got a fat lip and a big reality check of a start to my Friday. Thanks, Bubba.
So Saturday came and I always try to take some time on the weekend just for me. Even if that is an hour locked in my office without any Sam interruptions. Sometimes that "me time" consists of a desperately needed shower. But this Saturday, I was determined to get out of the house. I needed to get out and go somewhere else for a bit. I headed to a Starbucks with my laptop and a big stack of work to do thinking I was going to be so productive. My camera was along for the ride and my intentions were to just walk around and shoot. Something I used to do so often and miss incredibly. I stopped at my girlfriends on the way to drop off a few things she wanted to borrow (she benefits from me only fitting into maternity clothes). I stayed too long, and when I left I was headed to Starbucks still thinking about the work I needed to do. As I headed off, I realized how hot I was. I opened the sunroof, turned off the butt warmers, grabbed my sunglasses. What the heck? It was 66 degrees! I smiled knowing my work was going to wait. What I instantly thought of was how much fun Sam would have at the park on such a surprisingly beautiful January day. I detoured and was headed home to play with my boys.
On the way to the park, I thought for a moment how I was a little disappointed I didn't go out and "shoot for me". But almost as soon as that thought entered my head, it was gone. I was about to shoot for me. What I love to shoot more than anything in the world is Bubba. And bubba having a blast at the park with Dada was even better.
There will be other times when I long to be somewhere else. Somewhere fantastic, exotic, luxurious. But I hope I get a smack of reality by Bubba at those times, too. Because the cliche came true for me - and I really hate when that happens. What I would do if I could do anything would be to wake up, stub my toe, step on a lego, and bang my knee all on the way to get my coffee. Because I know that the rest of my day will be full of soaking in my Sam. It's as if he's a scratch n sniff. They never smell as long as you want them to. So I'm going to keep breathing him in while I can.
But maybe next time he could put down the boot and use a stuffed animal? Or a sock? I don't think those things could cause a fat lip.
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