Wednesday, March 4, 2009

So you call it nesting huh?

I'm a bit of a maniac, but in a good, productive way. Last night I was up till at least 1am organizing and rearranging the furniture downstairs (it's not even heavy so don't freak out) so that all the tons of baby crap has it's place! And tonight while I watch Lost, I plan to rearrange our bedroom so that we can fit the bassinet and still somehow manage to have the tiniest bit of room to maneuver.

BUT one good thing is that most of the Dude's room is together. Isn't the crib stuff cute??

And then once you look around the room, you see that everything is in order and looks great. That is until you look down and see the HUGE paint stain that came from my gigantic swollen feet kicking a small paint can over and not noticing for about an hour. Nice huh?

Oh well. We'll get a rug or something, but it looks pretty bad. Good thing the Dude's eyes wont be able to focus that far for a while!
The big turtle pillow is taunting Daisy. She thinks it's alive and keeps poking it with her nose and waiting for it to play with her! But I don't want her messing up the turtle so I gave her a little stuffed sheep that I got free at Christmas from Bath and Body Works. She has been carrying this dang sheep around for a week now. I thought it would be in shreds, but I think she loves it. It's so cute I can't even stand it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the bedding!!! Reese loves all of Abby's stuffed animals as well, but what he really loves is the birth cloths and pacis!!