So It's been a few weeks since the last post. Frankly there wasn't much to write about except for all of the bitching I would do about all the discomfort!
In a quick wrap up - Dr appointments every week, hips are sore, heartburn never ending, Bubba is on the LARGE side, my last day of work was the 19th, more hip pain and heartburn, lots of intense kicks and punches, cramping and pressure everyday, peeing every few hours especially in the middle of the night.
Thats what you've been missing! All good things though really.
We are about to hit some milestones that I've been dreading a bit. Yesterday's dr appointment was my "37 week" appt. Im 38 weeks tomorrow. My 37 week appointment with Henry was the same scenerio 37 weeks 5 days. That appointment was the last time we heard Henry's heartbeat. So at the appointment yesterday, I had my usual non-stress test. Bubba was NOT cooperating. He was moving like a banchee, kicking the monitor off whack and so the reading after the standard 20 minutes was not consistent. I stayed on for about another 20 minutes, and I didn't see a difference in the heart rate pattern, but the Dr said it was better and that everything was fine. Obviously something like that left me a bit uneasy - even more so because of the significance of the appointment date. I know they would not have let me go or said it was fine if it wasn't...they take good care of us there.
Saturday, tomorrow, is another day significant day to get through. We found out about Henry at my appointment at 38 weeks 5 days. They think he died several days before then. Looking back, I think he died the Saturday night before- the day I turned 38 weeks. That day this time is tomorrow. I have an awesome day filled with lovely distractions, lunch mani pedi day with my mom sisters and girls, but it still might be tough.
The amount of pressure I have and the cramping leads meto believe (probably ignorantly and incorrectly) that Bubba is getting really ready to come out. Lets hope so. He's good and strong in there, he's full term, we are so close and completely ready for him to be here. I would LOVE for him to come on his own and I would LOVE it even more if he would come out before next Thursday. That appointment is one of dread and anxiety, things I have been lucky to escape thus far in my pregnancy knowing they would creep up at some point.
We can get through it. I will survive the next few weeks no matter how trying. I will also survive the heartburn and mountains of Tums I go through daily and the pain in my hips, back, and heart.
But really Bubba, be good to Mommy. If you aren't ready to come out, make sure that you let Mommy know you are ok in there by giving her a good kick in the ribs or something. You have permission.
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