Saturday, March 13, 2010

Our world has changed yet again...

January of 2008, Phil and I decided we were ready to expand our family. I started praying for a healthy baby. I'm not really the praying type, but I figured it couldn't hurt. It wasn't until the end of July that year we had a positive pregnancy test. Phil didn't believe me that it was positive, so he bought the digital kind that says PREGNANT and only then did he actually think it was real. It was an easy pregnancy relatively speaking. No morning sickness, minimal discomfort. Just a little heartburn, but that I could handle. The toughest part for me was learning how to give up control of my own body, but I knew it would be worth it. One week and two days shy of our due date, Henry died inside me, and so did a big part of my heart.

After working through the stinging heartache that still lingers, Phil and I decided once again to try to make a family. In early July 2009, once again we had a positive test. This time I was the one in disbelief partly because I drank at least a pitcher of Mojitos just the day before at a cookout (looking back I'm glad I did!) and also because I expected it to take a while like it did the first time. We were on a familiar journey that would hopefully take us to a different destination. Through the nerves, anxiety, fear, doubt, and uncertainty, we kept hopeful; and I couldn't help but feel that this time was different. Every feeling was different in some way. I connected with this baby boy in a way I never connected with Henry during my pregnancy with him.

Early on we picked his name and haven't looked back once. As soon as I read what the name meant I showed it to Phil. There wasn't even a need to debate it.

Samuel means "God heard".

So at 8:41 pm on Tuesday, March 9, 2010 Samuel Henry came into the world and changed ours forever. I have never felt such love for anything in my life. I love him so much it aches.

So many people prayed for us and Henry, but I know that many people also prayed that we would be one day blessed with a healthy baby. I'm fairly certain there are several monasteries throughout the country that prayed for it daily! Sam is the answer to our (and your) prayers.

We knew Henry was going to be the baby's middle name from the start. We want Sam to know that his brother is a part of him and will always be looking out for his little brother.

I thank Henry for changing my life in so many ways. I thank Sam for changing it once again. Sometimes having your world rocked is not a bad thing at all.

Thanks to all of our friends and family - and complete strangers - for the prayers and support. We are truly blessed.


Anonymous said...

Meghan, you brought tears to my eyes and joy to my heart. You are an inspiration both as a woman and a mother. God blass you and your family.

Unknown said...

keep writing, meghan. you have a powerful and moving voice. just when you think your heart cannot swell any feel the ache of love. amazing.