Monday, June 25, 2012

Hitting the Pause Button

When we found out we were having another baby, I think my fear outweighed my excitement. I couldn't truly be excited while thinking about the fact that I was going to be outnumbered, overpowered, and overwhelmed. And all of those things came true. I am for sure outnumbered. Two boys all day long. Two diaper pails. Two sets of needs that overpower my own. Two different cries demanding attention. Two car seats to wrangle in. Two boys in the bathroom with me. Two of everything. As little time I had to myself before Bo, I now have virtually none.

But that excitement that was stalled, came back in full force. I fell in love a little bit more with Bo yesterday as I watched him coo and smile purposefully for the first time. We are completely blessed with another baby who loves to sleep and rarely cries. But with those eyes shut all the time, I don't really know what he looks like with them open! I exaggerate a bit (surprise, surprise), but his alert times are so much more fun. To see those big eyes look at me, and now smile?! Consider my heart officially melted.

I forgot how fun these little daily changes are. It feels like it was so long ago when Sam was doing these things. Two years fly by. It must be that our life is just that much fun. Because time is most definitely flying. My whole life I wished I was older with a family of my own and now all I want to do is hit that pause button. Everything is happening so fast and I am just standing in the middle of the tornado with my eyebrows up and mouth open. I guess thats what my camera is for. Pushing that shutter is like hitting a pause button. I might have less time now to do these things I love like blogging, but I'm still taking photos. I'm still pausing everyday so that one day when I finally have that time to myself and I realize all I want is to be busy with my boys, I can look back. Remember this chaos. Remember the days where there was no time for a shower. Where I said yes to that second popsicle. Where we danced to silly songs while jumping on the bed. Where we sat side by side on the garage floor taking turns blowing bubbles or chasing ants.

So here are my favorite moments I paused in the last few weeks.

Bo is 5 and 6 weeks here. 

the majority of my days look a LOT like that right photo

ha...mid-sneeze :)

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