Tuesday, June 12, 2012

One Month

Hi. I'm Boden. Some people call me Bo. My brother calls me Baby. Mama calls me Sam a lot. Today I'm one month old.
I'm 10 pounds. On the dot. I'm 23.5" long today. I think I'm lanky, at least thats what Mama tells me.
I sleep. A lot. Mama doesn't like to brag about that because she doesn't think its normal. I also puke a lot. I'm pretty good at it and can get some distance on it when I really try. I hated hoopies until yesterday. They made me gag, but now I think they're okay so I'll keep them in for 30 seconds and then spit them out so Mama has to put it back in when I get mad.
I love my big brother even though he's pretty loud sometimes. He likes to hold my hand and he wipes my mouth when I spit up. I don't really know much about Daisy yet. I know she sheds because I can always feel hair in my mouth which grosses Mama out.
I have ridiculous toes. They are probably longer than my fingers.
I'm pretty handsome too.


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