Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Driving with your eyes crossed is NOT recommended

Yesterday was a fairly eventful day. I told my work that I didn't plan to return after the baby comes and we got a new car - new to us anyway.

The work talk went well and I feel good about it. I didn't feel right knowing I didn't plan to return and waiting until after 6 weeks to let them know leaving them high dry and angry. I have been in the scrambling position covering for people who leave and it's not fun or possible to stay sane while doing it. With Henry, I really wanted to be able to stay home, but with the economy I knew it wasn't financially possible. This time around, it still might not be financially possible, but it's too much of an emotional need for me to be home I don't know what else to do. I don't want to put more pressure on Phil than he already puts on himself, so hopefully I can keep some steady money coming in here and there from the photography business (shameless plug of the day: www.meghanboyerphotography.com).

Then last night after running around like crazy dealing with returning a rental car and picking up Phil we headed to the dealership and got a previously loved car. I love it, Phil probably thinks we got screwed since he always thinks that! I will say that I don't want to go through this car buying process again for a long time. It was really easy and simple this time, but this is my THIRD car in three and a half years and I'd like to keep it for a while. Phil thinks I go through cars like underwear but I reminded him that someone hit ME and I didn't intentionally total my car, go to the ER, freak out about the baby being ok, all just to get a different car. And last time we had to get rid of the mini because he knocked me up making me far from mini. So now that I think about it, I think it's him wanting to get new cars all the time. I'm on to him.

On top of the recent events, I am dealing with a stupid, annoying, disgusting, wintry cold. Today most of the day I worked with one eye closed because I couldn't see straight with them both open. Too much congestion and snot inside my head is making me dizzy! argh. Boy am I complainey, but really it's gross. How can I drive my new used car with crossed eyes?? And my nice clean steering wheel is going to be germapalooza.

Drink your OJ people. Fight the germ power.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Three Years Later . . .

On Saturday, December 2, 2006 I married Phil. Boy did I not know what I was getting into! Just kidding. It's funny though because on that day three years ago I didn't think I could love Phil any more than right then. Well through better and worse, good times and bad, money pit houses, floors caving in, cars getting crunched, black mold, new businesses, getting pregnant, losing Henry, getting pregnant again, cars getting crunched again, basement sewage, more basement sewage, tree roots sent by the devil, big black clouds, lots of rain, and some sunshine here and there we have survived! And I will admit I was so wrong on our wedding day. I love him more today than ever, and I'm pretty sure tomorrow and the next day and the next my love for him will continue to grow exponentially! I never expected to go through so much in such a short amount of time. But there is no one else on earth I would have rather had by my side. We have made a lot of "firsts" and hopefully a lot of "lasts".

Year three was by far the most challenging on us and for us, but we are stronger than ever.

Year four is going to kick year three's ass.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

I am thankful

I am thankful that 2009 is almost over.
I am thankful that my car accident 2 days ago wasn't worse.
I am thankful that the baby kicks me all night keeping me awake, letting me know he is good and strong and healthy.
I am thankful that I don't go through Tums like last pregnancy - The makers of Tums are not thankful for that.
I am thankful that turkey's don't mind that we kill them and eat their delicious meat every Thanksgiving - I guess if we asked them, they might say they care, but they sure are delicious.
I am thankful I am in maternity pants on Thanksgiving. The elastic band is much more comfortable and I don't have to worry about my buttons popping.
I am thankful that Phil and I found the perfect name for the baby (don't even bother - we aren't telling you).
I am thankful that the bars in my neighborhood are not rowdy on this holiday - one night free of drunk frat boys and girls in their high heels walking past my bedroom window is bliss.
I am thankful that I have found a way to  do something that I love and have started my photography business.
I am thankful that I don't have to make dinner tonight - or tomorrow (which makes me also thankful for leftovers!)
I am thankful that J Crew doesn't make maternity clothes - Phil (and our bank accounts) are thankful for this as well.
I am thankful our house hasn't fallen apart in a month or so. Although just writing that I realize tomorrow it will cave in to the ground.
I am thankful for honeybees. The honey in my hot tea is making me very happy right now.
I am thankful for my friends. They make every situation better - and always more fun - and usually with wine ;) 
I am thankful for my parents. I don't think I could have made it through this year without them.
I am thankful for my sisters. There to listen, support, bring me back to reality, take me away from reality, and always make me feel loved.
I am thankful for Daisy. She makes me smile every day, and even when she wakes me up barfing at 4am, I love her so much!
I am thankful for Phil. So thankful for Phil. For more reasons than I have time to write down.
I am thankful for the baby. I am thankful that he has brought some joy and hope to our year. And I am thankful that he is healthy, strong, active, and safe.
I am thankful for Henry. He added so much to my life, to who I am,  and changed who I thought I wanted to be.

Did I mention I am thankful for Phil?

Happy Thanksgiving.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Got me thinking...

So I am photographing a baptism tomorrow morning for lovely friends and their nearly 4 month old baby boy. I'll be the first to admit that church is one of the last places I want to go, but I don't know if I could give you a solid reason for that. The baptism made me think about what that was all about. I don't have it figured out  yet, and understand I never will, but as I was going through my old planner (I inherited the need for Franklin Planners from mom - Franklin Covey and I thank you for that Ma) I found a page in the notes section from some time last year. On it were 2 quotes and I couldn't for the life of me remember where they were from, but they were fitting with what I thinking about.

"The search for God is a reversal of the normal, mundane, worldly order . . . You abandon your comforting and familiar habits with the hope that something greater will be offered to you in return for what you've given up."

"Devotion is diligence without understanding. Faith is a way of saying 'Yes, I pre-accept the terms of the universe and I embrace in advance what I am presently incapable of understanding.'"

Understanding and hope. Simple enough right? I wish.

I later realized that I copied these from Eat, Pray, Love when I was reading it in 2008. I don't know why I wrote it down at the time. But I like these words. The book was pretty good, nothing to jump up and down about, but these words are simple and I have a feeling I'm going to come back to them from time to time in hopes of understanding them.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Dancing Baby

Last Wednesday was our followup sonogram to double check the baby's stomach, profile and heart. I realized that I didn't update anyone on here! Whoops.

I wanted to make sure that he was awake and ready to cooperate so before I went in for the sonogram, I had a half cup of Coke. Well the sonographer fairly quickly found that his stomach was fine and within the normal range (the booger must have been thirsty last time and had a big drink!). Then came the profile shots, which proved a little troublesome since his arms were up in the air creating some major shadows over his face. They got some that they were pleased with and moved on to assess the heart. He was once again face down head up towards mine, feet down towards the ground - completely vertical. After 45 minutes of me rolling around this way and that way and every which way, finally they could tell that all 4 ventricles were functioning great. It was quite the ordeal. He was playing games with us, when I would roll over to my side, ideally he would have rolled with me and they would get the image they needed. But instead, he rolled away from me making it impossible! There was one point where his arms were in the air moving around and his legs were in the air like he was practicing walking. He moved around so much his legs ended up crossed. It was pretty funny. 

He looks like the baby from those dancing baby commercials from a few years ago?


See his legs crossed?


So bottom line is he is good and healthy. They asked if I wanted to come back for another big sonogram at 28 weeks for piece of mind and I wasn't going to turn down another chance to see him! So that one is on December 23rd.

Monday, October 26, 2009

New Yet Familiar

Last Monday, we found out we are having another boy. It was a mix of emotions as I expect most of the big pregnancy events to be from now on. Both Phil and I thought it would be a girl, which of course meant it was going to be a boy! If you are one of the people who tell me "you never know, it could come out a girl" - I present people's exhibit A:

If you don't know what you are looking at....well I just can't help you. And if it turns out to be a girl, we have many many confusing conversations in our futures!

Of course, other news from the sonogram was that we have to come back to look at a few things. The stubborn baby wouldn't really flip over so the sonographer wasn't satisfied with the shots they got of his profile and heart valves. He was pretty content in a ball on his stomach and even after flipping sides,jumping up and down, walking around - I couldn't get him to budge. The other thing they want to look at is his stomach which was large. It may be no big deal, but it needs to be looked at again. It could be that they are being extra cautious, looking at things a little closer than normal because of our history. But whatever the case, Phil and I get a little worried when leaving a sonogram with less than perfect news. This Wednesday we will go back.

There is also some feelings of guilt that go along with the discovery of the sex. I think I was hoping it was a girl. Not that I necessarily wanted a girl over a boy, but more that I wanted as much from this pregnancy to be different as possible from the last. I've been pregnant with a little boy and that didn't turn out - so my head is having a hard time separating the two. I am sure everything will be fine, and I am not looking for reassurance or anything like that. I am rational enough to know and understand the probability of things, and also to know the lack of control I have over pretty much anything. But I think it's also the lack of control that makes things that much harder.

We are past the half way mark - 20 weeks and 2 days today. Actually technically half way was last week for us since we will probably be induced 2 weeks early. I hope the second half flies by like the first half did...After being pregnant for the last 15 months, I know I'll be really done with being pregnant by the time month 20 comes around.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


After Henry died, I picked up my camera and still rarely set it down. I begged (I am pretty sure there was some whining involved) Phil for the camera - the nice camera - for my birthday last year and negotiated that he would be covered for every present for an entire year if he got it for my birthday. We were only 12 weeks pregnant with Henry and I knew I could learn how to take decent pictures by the time he arrived. I think the fact that there are few pictures of me growing up was the driving force behind it. It's not that my parents didn't take pictures of me, they were destroyed in our house fire in 1998.

So Phil came through and I opened my present on my 27th birthday to find the camera I asked for.

I didn't start really learning about the camera and shooting properly in manual setting until January came around. With all the POS money pit house situations that came with winter, and getting the room and house and myself ready for the baby to come, I hadn't learned all that I wanted to by the time March rolled in. My last day of work came around, and I began cramming in as much as I could knowing I only had 2 weeks (give or take) left. I began learning more technical aspects, and of course started desiging the birth announcements since photoshop was becoming my new best friend. I had 2 designs to choose from the end of the day March 25, 2009.

When we got home from the hospital that Friday the 27th, I just layed for a while not really knowing what to do now. I wasn't prepared for what was happening, and I really like to be prepared. (I think I inherited it from mom and her franklin planner briefcase) The diaper bag was packed, clothes washed and folded, newborn diapers and wipes out and ready on the changing table, baby book ready and half filled out. I was ready and prepared to bring Henry home. I was not prepared to come home empty handed.

I got up, grabbed my camera and the items the nurses at St. Joe's gave us (lock of hair, measuring tape - 19.5" long, a bracelet with HENRY PHILIP on it, the outfit they put him in, a blanket he was swaddled in and the hand-knit hats he wore) and started clicking. Looking through the eye piece of the camera, it was not happening to me. I was simply taking photos of "things".

I used my maternity leave to spend even more time learning and taking photos. I went out every day and shot something around Baltimore. On the rainy days, Daisy was my subject (and on occasion Phil who secretly loves having his picture taken). I learned a TON in those few months - about photography and myself. Behind the camera I was not seen, which was perfect because I wanted to hide - and lets face it - many people were uncomfortable talking to me anyway. It gave me something else to talk about. I could nurture my work instead of the baby I didn't have. I would still be up all hours of the night,but rather than giving feedings, I was glued to the computer and editing the photos I took that day. The hobby that now took up my time was a distant second to what I was prepared to do, but it worked for me.

So since then, I found that what I love most is taking pictures of kids. Kids don't care if their ears stick out when their hair is tucked behind it, or if their smile is too big, or if their arms look too fat. They just go on doing whatever they would be doing and I just lay down on the floor, grass, mud, whatever, and capture them being them. It is pure joy. It's what I would be doing if Henry were here - so why not give other parents something they might want to have forever? Their little girl in her J. Lo sunglasses. Their son teasing the family dog with treats. Their little boy wearing his Orioles jersey for the first time not yet knowing the team is terrible. Their daughters trying to smile nicely for the camera while elbowing and choking each other mid-fight. Their little girls the day they would not take no for an answer and wore their Wellies with their party dresses to the park.

I hope I'm capturing memories for these parents while I wait to make my own.

My hobby has made me see things differently that I used to. I can now go back and laugh at all the kids I've photographed, knowing they will do the same one day. I am not sad I don't have Henry. He pointed me in the direction I needed. Instead of being sad in the six months since that March day, I have been able to see beauty in things one would not ordinarily find beautiful. It's as if he changed my eyes and in doing so opened them up to a beautiful world. I thank him for that every day.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


I have changed. Whoever I was the morning of March 26th is forever gone and has been since the afternoon of that very same day. I don't yet know who the new me is, but that will come, I suppose, with time.

There are a few things I do know.

I know I love my husband and I don't believe either of us could have gotten through the last 6 months without one another.

I know I didn't do anything wrong. By the time I realized Henry had stopped moving around in there, it was already too late.

I know my doctors didn't do anything wrong. It's easy to blame the medical team in a situation like this where the need to blame someone or something is so strong, but I know without a doubt they did everything right.

I know we made the right decision not to have genetic testing done at the beginning of my pregnancy with Henry. If we found out he had Downs earlier, I wouldn't have done a thing differently.

I know I already love the new baby. It was surprising to find out we were pregnant only 3 months after having Henry. But unlike the last big surprise we were given, this one is nothing but good.

The list of things I know is short. The unknown list is much longer. Some answers will come, and some will not. But honestly I'm not really looking for answers to the unknown stuff. Sometimes not knowing is scary, but sometimes there is comfort in not knowing it all. I accept that there are things I do not and will not know, and I can not control the uncontrollable.

I have changed. Maybe one day I'll figure out this new me...but for now, I have a baby to grow and keep safe. I can only do 1 thing at a time. . .

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

New Blog

So the new blog for photos is www.meghan365.blogspot.com
Check it out, even though there is only 1 up so far :)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Some of my Henry Pics

to be continued. . .

so hopefully we can get back to blogging, but at this point it seems a little too soon since this was going to be my blog about us as a family...

I'm focusing most of my attention these days on photography and trying to learn everything I possibly can so that when we do get pregnant again and give Henry a brother or sister, I can take pictures of them all day long.

I'm starting a new blog for a 365 project which isbasically to take a picture everyday, changing how you see things. I'll post that link when I have it set up.

so this is officially to be continued. Hopefully.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

2 weeks and counting

Well technically it is 1 week, 6 days, but then of course it may end up being 3 weeks. Essentially I have no control over when the Dude decides to get here, but I AM READY for him to come out. I definitely feel like its happening soon. I feel like I am 9 months pregnant – strange huh?

My last day of work was Friday and the idea was have some time before he gets here to do whatever or do nothing, which ever option I feel like. But I won’t be disappointed if he decides to interrupt my 2 weeks of “vacation” to come early! The name is not yet decided but I will bring the list of options with me to the hospital and we’ll figure it out eventually. I have it packed in my bag.

Here is the latest picture of the belly. I can’t wait to be skinny (dreaming I know) and look back at these. Oh to be able to go to Body Pump again. I somehow think that my old gym routine of 5 days a week might be hard to go back to. Phil will have to give me a few evenings to do things like that. I might go insane!

As big as I feel it is, I honestly look down sometimes and think that it was going to be bigger. Don’t get me wrong. I DONT want it to be bigger. But I imagined it would be. I honestly thought I would balance a plate on it or something. I can just use a table. I’m happy it’s not THAT big. Relatively speaking. . .

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Arrrrrrgh, Happy St. Patty’s Day!

Why is it that when people do Irish accents, they end up sounding like Pirates? Is it because Irishmen were the original Pirates? Someone should tell that to Johnny Depp, because I don’t think that if he knew he were playing an Irishman, he would wear all that make-up. He would get his arse kicked in Ireland for that for sure!

But, pirate or no pirate, it’s St. Patty’s Day and I’m a little peeved. I might have to celebrate on May 17th or something because I really want a BIG Guiness to celebrate! Dang it! I’m making Shepherd’s Pie and it would taste so much better with a big stout – although it is delicious on it’s own.

Friday is my last day at work for a while. I am using some vacation time and will spend the next few weeks WISHING I actually were on vacation. I probably should have thought about it a little more because I have been working my butt off trying to get everything done. It’s pointless because there’s always going to be more to do, I just feel bad for those who have to do it while I’m out! That guilt will pass quickly I’m sure as I get a chance to relax for the first time in a while. . . starting Friday night.

So I’m going to get my shepherd’s pie out of the oven. Happy St. Patty’s day. Drink a green beer – no, make that 2 green beers (one in my very pregnant honor) and watch out for the hooks and peg legs you might see out and about tonight!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

37 weeks and still no name

So we have made it to full term! Yeah! It’s really bizarre to think back to July 27th when we had out first positive pregnancy test and found out we were 4 weeks along. It’s gone so fast. And I’m sure that the next 3 weeks (roughly) are going to crawl by!

What is really bothering me now is the fact that I don’t have a name! We have (had) 2 names picked out that we were just going to decide between when we saw him. But now I am once again going back on one of them and not convinced the other one is right! Everything else is ready. Really, everything. The room, the diaper bag, the stroller, the car seat. Everything except for the most important part. Phil is annoyed because he liked the name that I now don’t, but I think that over thinking this decision is a good idea. I don’t want just any name, it has to be the perfect name and nothing is hitting me. On the random very off chance that Dude is a girl (I really hope not at this point as we had a clear pp shot on the ultrasound and I would hate to have a Jamie Lee Curtis situation), I know what I would name a girl. Go figure. Any suggestions??
And I’ll sign off with 37 week belly shots. I don’t think it could get bigger.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

A new face and a bad back

So yesterday I used the gift certificate that Larisa gave me to Renew spa in Hampden for a “Mommy-to-be Skin Balancing Facial”. What the heck is that, you ask? Well, I’m not really sure, but I came out of that spa looking like this:

So I highly recommend the spa.


But really the spa was a bit bizarre in that everything was all “natural” and organic. I had masks on my face that smelled kind of like pumpkin pie and kind of like rotten avocado all at the same time. It was definitely relaxing and I am so glad I went! Thanks Larisa!

The problem is that I really should have got a massage as I wake up every night at least 2 times due to shooting pain down my leg from my back. Awesome! I mean I usually have to pee anyway,so I’d still be getting up, but I could do without the paralyzing pain!

I had another Dr appointment today which went well. She said that Dude is doing well in there and said he didn’t feel like he was going to be a big baby. WOO HOO! That’s the best thing I’ve ever heard! I’m going to end on that high note. . .

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Today is the greatest. . .

So I had a Dr. appt and she confirmed that the baby dropped and that it is indeed his butt that juts out my right side all the live long day. He is lopsided, but at least he is consistent! Also, he is very obedient already since I told him to drop and he did! What a good boy :)

That was the first great thing that happened today. And then there was Ray. My friend Russell interns with Saturday Night Live in NYC and my most favorite musician is the musical guest this Saturday, Ray Lamontagne. If you do not know Ray, you need to know Ray. He's fantastic. Well I told Russ jokingly that if he could get me tickets to the show I would name the baby after him. . . Don't worry, I didn't get tickets of course so Russell is not the baby's name. BUT Thursday is dress rehearsal day at SNL and Russ called me to let me hear Ray go through his 2 songs. It was great! His song "You are the best thing" came out right around the time I found out we were pregnant so it's my song for the Dude. I sing it to him all the time. . . he is destined to be tone deaf the poor little guy. But Ray played it and it was so great to hear it, even over a staticy cell phone!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Da belly

I almost forgot. . . It's been a while, but I think the Dude dropped. I haven't had heartburn in a week (which is good because I gave it up for lent) and I definitely feel heavier lower. We will find out tomorrow at my Dr. appointment.

But here it is. . . at 35 weeks 4 days. . .

(Oh and that's the new shower curtain.)

So you call it nesting huh?

I'm a bit of a maniac, but in a good, productive way. Last night I was up till at least 1am organizing and rearranging the furniture downstairs (it's not even heavy so don't freak out) so that all the tons of baby crap has it's place! And tonight while I watch Lost, I plan to rearrange our bedroom so that we can fit the bassinet and still somehow manage to have the tiniest bit of room to maneuver.

BUT one good thing is that most of the Dude's room is together. Isn't the crib stuff cute??

And then once you look around the room, you see that everything is in order and looks great. That is until you look down and see the HUGE paint stain that came from my gigantic swollen feet kicking a small paint can over and not noticing for about an hour. Nice huh?

Oh well. We'll get a rug or something, but it looks pretty bad. Good thing the Dude's eyes wont be able to focus that far for a while!
The big turtle pillow is taunting Daisy. She thinks it's alive and keeps poking it with her nose and waiting for it to play with her! But I don't want her messing up the turtle so I gave her a little stuffed sheep that I got free at Christmas from Bath and Body Works. She has been carrying this dang sheep around for a week now. I thought it would be in shreds, but I think she loves it. It's so cute I can't even stand it.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Latest Belly. . . etc ,

So here he is at 31 weeks:

And at 32 weeks (the latest):

This one was this afternoon and it feels bigger than it looks! I feel pretty good, except for the excruciating heartburn 24 hours a day! But since I overall have had it so easy it's probably not fair to complain!
On the home front - The bathroom is done! WOO HOOOO! We are going to take a look at it tomorrow morning with the contractor and he'll do the finishing touches then we can move back in tomorrow night! I'm excited to get Daisy back to a normal routine, although it's been fun living with Ryan and Larisa. I've even come to like Diesel - the puppy with missing brain cells:).

And since the doggies have been my baby the last week and a half, I thought I would give them some face time:

Friday, February 6, 2009

Bye Bye Bathroom . . .

Finally. Our leaky, moldy, ugly, out of date bathroom was ripped out this past weekend and the rehab has started! Phil, with the help of Ryan, Eduardo and Gerardo (spelling may be incorrect, but I dont think they read the blog so I'm ok), gutted the bathroom completely. But don't worry, Phil isn't putting it back together. We hired a professional for that! I'm a little worried about the paint color I picked. . . It might look like orange soda exploded. The bathroom is going to be "my" bathroom now - where I get ready in the morning. If I come out of the house looking like an Umpa-Lumpa, you'll know that maybe the orange I picked out for the walls was a bit much.

During the rehab, we are staying with Larisa and Ryan for 2 weeks just like last year when we had to rip out all our floors and get our house jacked up so we wouldn't fall through the floor to our death. Strangely enough, it's the same 2 week period as last year! Unfortunately, I am NOT very fun company these days. Last year, I would get home and Larisa was only a few minutes behind me and within an hour we would have at least one drink (usually a margarita) in us! Now, no drinking, well on my part anyway. And I am so dang grumpy! I know I am miserable to be around and I can't seem to help it. Between the insane heartburn that has be eating 20+ TUMS a day to no avail, and the back pain, I am a pain in everyone elses back!

What can ya do? Only 8 weeks to go. Thank GOD! As soon as the bathroom is complete - probably by next Friday - We have to get moving on Dude's room. Painting, organizing, and putting the crib together. At least Phil and I get to go on a date this weekend. All we have talked about in the last few months are bathrooms and baby and I forget what real conversation is like! It's already happened and Dude's not even here yet! We're going to work on that.

I'll post belly pics soon, it's been a few weeks, but it looks the same - just way bigger and heavier and harder and lumpier and kickier and heart-burnier. :)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Rock-a-Bye Baby!

So we have officially started the madness that is putting together baby furniture! I actually LOVE putting things together. I feel as though I have accomplished something, and I think I'm kinda good at it, if I do say so myself :)

We picked up our Glider/rocker and ottoman this weekend and I successfully assembled it. I like it a lot! I think it's going to go great in the baby room - if it fits. We have yet to start putting Dude's things in his room because we are hopefully re-doing our hazardous bathroom this month and don't want it to get dry wall dust all over the new stuff. So for now, it sits downstairs.
The rest of the baby furniture is being delivered this Thursday. We won't be putting that together any time soon though - at least not until the bathroom is finished - so to the basement it will go!
We did find and officially decide on the nursery decor. . .

It's from GapBabyHome. Who knew Gap had stuff like this? It's the preppiest thing I've ever seen, but I think it's so freaking cute! I think it'll go great with the dark wood we chose for the furniture. I LOVE it. I had been back and forth every other day between this sailboat thing I found at Pottery Barn Kids and kept looking for other things because I didn't love it. It's a good thing I kept looking because this is perfect!
Now that I've exhausted all the energy I had writing this - I'm going to go lay down!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

28 weeks and growing

So today I am officially 28 weeks! AHHH!

The third trimester has brought me more heartburn and familiar fatigue that has been gone since around week 11. Ugh. I am definitely dragging, but the Dude is moving around more than ever! (So thats where my energy went!) The problem is that he seems to take after Phil and enjoy the mornings. Anyone who knows me knows that I am not functional or pleasant to be around until I have been awake for several hours allowing time for the necessary double shot, sugar-free vanilla, skim latte. Dude and I are going to clash if this morning thing continues!! At least he is letting me get sleep at night though. Around 7 every morning I wake up to my alarm (which is snoozed for about 45 minutes) and as soon as my eyes open, Dude "hits the ground running" - or would if he could.

This coming week is my glucose test at the Dr. which I hear is pretty gross, like drinking syrup. Yum . . .

The Mommy Boat - aka my car - is doing well. I miss my Mini terribly. TERRIBLY!! Every other Camry on the road is driven by someone collecting social security. I keep telling myself that it's comfortable, it's safe, and hopefully it will feel less huge when it is full of all the baby crap that is soon to come! Hopefully.

I'll end with a ridiculous picture of the belly. Beware - it's frightening!