Monday, July 26, 2010

Swish, Swish, Gag

Cloth diapering. What the heck was I thinking? It's not THAT bad really, but each time I go to change one, it has the potential to be bad! We are getting the hang of it and I do wish I would have been doing it all along. I'll definitely save all of these and use them from the start next time. Maybe by then Phil will be used to changing them? He has been king of all poo diapers since day 1 which is awesome, and now his enthusiasm has dwindled. Understandably.

Its definitely a tad overwhelming. So much so that I am seriously subscribing to a blog called "The Cloth Diaper Whisperer". It just emphasizes the strange truth that my life has come to a place I could have never imagined. Not because it is a bad place, but because I never thought I would ever be so in love with anything that I would regularly and literally scrape its poo into a toilet. I know its a bit vulgar when put that way, but it's very true. I dont feel old enough to have a child, a family, a husband even. Many times I feel in my mind that I am still 16. But then I look closer into my neglected bathroom mirror and see the crows feet that slap me back into reality. Just because I have to do math when someone asks me how old I am doesn't mean the number is false. 

I was the kind of kid and teen who could not wait to be older. Old enough to do all the things I do now. Mother. Wife. And now that I arrived at the place I always wanted to be, now what? It's a strange predicament. What do I wish for next? I dont know that I even want to move on to the next dream for fear I'll miss something in the one I'm in.  Even if there is swishing in toilet water and a gag here and there in it.

I sure do look cute in my cloth diapers :)

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