Monday, August 27, 2012

Over Easy With a Chocolate Donut

This weekend Sam found some coins on the counter. I think a quarter and a few pennies. He handed them to me and said he wanted to buy a chocolate donut. It took me a few minutes to realize he learned that from George. That darn monkey. We went to the store and I made him pay me for the donut. And he got jipped because I only give him half. But it was enough chocolate to make his face a mess and to make me "that mom" with the chocolate faced hyper hypo kid in Giant.

And in other news: Bo rolled over this morning. I had to stop Sam from rolling him back over with his feet, but Bo didn't mind. He was darn proud of himself. And I am too.

here are some recent adventures from my iPhone.

Proud of his accomplishments! :)

Doesn't everyone weed the driveway wearing arm floaties?

1 comment:

ehwiley said...

Love love love those rotten boys!