Monday, November 2, 2009

Dancing Baby

Last Wednesday was our followup sonogram to double check the baby's stomach, profile and heart. I realized that I didn't update anyone on here! Whoops.

I wanted to make sure that he was awake and ready to cooperate so before I went in for the sonogram, I had a half cup of Coke. Well the sonographer fairly quickly found that his stomach was fine and within the normal range (the booger must have been thirsty last time and had a big drink!). Then came the profile shots, which proved a little troublesome since his arms were up in the air creating some major shadows over his face. They got some that they were pleased with and moved on to assess the heart. He was once again face down head up towards mine, feet down towards the ground - completely vertical. After 45 minutes of me rolling around this way and that way and every which way, finally they could tell that all 4 ventricles were functioning great. It was quite the ordeal. He was playing games with us, when I would roll over to my side, ideally he would have rolled with me and they would get the image they needed. But instead, he rolled away from me making it impossible! There was one point where his arms were in the air moving around and his legs were in the air like he was practicing walking. He moved around so much his legs ended up crossed. It was pretty funny. 

He looks like the baby from those dancing baby commercials from a few years ago?


See his legs crossed?


So bottom line is he is good and healthy. They asked if I wanted to come back for another big sonogram at 28 weeks for piece of mind and I wasn't going to turn down another chance to see him! So that one is on December 23rd.

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