Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Baby steps - not literally!

Well last night I put Sam in his crib to sleep for the first time overnight. That lasted about 45 minutes. He started to cry a teeny bit so I promptly jumped out of bed and brought him to lay down in his moses basket by my bed like every other night of his short life. I was thankful for that little cry that woke me out of my anxiety ridden fitful "sleep". I thought I was going to have a panic attack just having him in the other room. The funny thing is I can't see him when he sleeps in his basket. I dont hear him turn or move at night and I dont worry about him when I am asleep. But there was something about the simple fact that he was in another room that I had a hard time with. I thought I was going to have to go sleep on the floor of his room or something - well maybe not really since that seems a bit extreme, but I do wish that Daisy was the kind of dog who wanted to sleep on the floor of Sam's room. She is too selfish and lazy to give up the cushy right side of our bed (Phil has 50% of the bed, Daisy has at least 30%, and the rest is all mine. Jealous??). Maybe we can train her to go in there or something?

In any case, time is running out as Sam is getting too big for the basket so the move to the crib permanently is around the corner...I'm dreading it!

He's pretty darn cute though dont you think?!

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