Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Happy Christmas

I'm still in a bit of a Christmas fog, but from what I can remember, it was the best one yet! We changed things up a bit this year and cut out 2 visits on Christmas day that we usually make. Although I missed seeing some of my family, to make 2 fewer stops on an already busy day was definitely a good decision. Since last year we went to 6 different places on Christmas eve and Christmas day, I decided that with Sam and Daisy and for the same of my sanity, we needed to make some cut backs. And it was definitely a good decision. Christmas day was actually fairly relaxing. I have NEVER had a relaxing Christmas. I LOVE my insane family, but relaxing is not something they do well! It's always loud and fun and non-stop - laughing, playing, joking, pestering, teasing. It is pretty great.

I think had I decided last year to change the tradition, I would have had a really hard time with it. This is the first Christmas ever where I haven't gone to both of my grandparents houses. But I realized this year, that the old Christmas traditions aren't the same anymore. It will never be quite as exciting as when I was a kid. Running into Nanny's kitchen to see if there are any crumbs left on top of the coffee cake, or if my cousin Ginny already got to them. Stealing Nanny rolls before dinner by literally putting them in our pockets. Playing canasta trying to figure out if my dad and uncles hid the good cards up their sleeves (they usually did, the cheaters). Snaking down grandma's stairs on our bellys getting rug burn but not caring. Laughing at the grown ups passing around the bottle of apricot brandy and later showing off their best cow impersonations by moo-ing (seriously they were really good). Fighting over grandmas coconut cream pie which someone usually hid before everyone else could get to it. Crying because I literally got a sac of coal (a trauma from which I haven't fully recovered).

Things have changed. And this year, I realized that I am not the kid anymore. I've always felt like a kid (and really still do) but now it's about my kid. And I hope to teach Sam to slide down the stairs on his belly, and sneak to get Nanny's rolls and to hide the wild card under his chair. But he's a bit young for that. So before the years of chaotic Christmas return, having a relaxing one was exactly what I needed.

 Heres a little taste of our holiday from Sam's perspective:

I heart eating paper.

When I saw it was PJ's, I was REALLY excited!

I don't really know what to do with this thing yet, but it seems kind of cool.

You may think I have lame parents for giving me a wooden shoe, but shoelaces are my favorite thing ever. And these taste less dirty than Daddy's.

Grandma and Grandpa's house was loud, but before I passed out, I got to open (and eat) a LOT of presents!

Christmas morning was early and messy. I got to play with all the presents I got the night before. I didn't see too many of them then because I passed out before they were opened!

We went to GiGi and Grandpa's next and Daddy was really silly after drinking bloody marys. He was chasing me all over! It was awesome!

Daisy was mad that I kept her up most of the night, so she missed out on lots of fun and took a nap.

The morning after christmas - I finally was too tired to do anything but nap with GiGi.

Then we went to GrandPop's. There was MORE toys there for me!

But the toy I really wanted was Carson's.

Carson is trying to take over Mommy's job.

GrandPop helped me walk around.

I don't remember this picture. I must have been tired?


On an unrelated but fun note, check out the new site, Sugar Row. They are showing some of my recent sessions! This site is awesome and I am so excited to be on it!

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