Friday, January 14, 2011


Although I no longer have a 9-5 M-F kind of job, I still look forward to the weekend. Phil is home, I get to go to the gym, we can hang out a bit and relax when we can. It's lovely. I am especially glad this is a 3 day weekend. I need a nap. So does Phil. And by the looks of this photo, so does Sam. 
He's a really good napper really. But for some reason this afternoon he wanted to skip his usual 3rd nap and decided to have whineapalooza instead. y e a h.
He has been riding on this dino Aunt Kristin and Uncle Jem gave him for Christmas a lot actually. He kind of moves his feet a la Fred Flintstone, but I don't know if its intentional. So this afternoon during intermission of the aforementioned festival, I pushed him all over every square foot of this house on this darn thing just to keep the volume down. 
Thus, I need a nap.
And I'm going now to take one. 

Oh, and check out my new 52 project on my photo blog. Be sure to click through to see all the other wonderful photographers who are a part of the project. 

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